Hi, I am Aswin G.
Realtime Traffic Control System
A system to automate control of signals at busy junctions. The
system calculates green light and red light duration on the basis of
vehicle density patterns for each lane separately using OpenCV and
Zulip Mobile
Worked with the mobile team of Zulip during Google Summer of Code
2018. Returned as a mentor for 2019.
MEC Books Watch
A textbook exchange platform for college students using React,
Firebase and Go.
Disaster management and coordination app, inspired by the lack of
such a coordination facility during the Kerala floods of mid-2018.
Android app with Django backend.
Innovative persistent calorie tracker. React Native app, uses
Firebase for storage.
Deployment Automation via SSH With Python Fabric: How It Works
Article about using the Python Fabric library for automating
Creating a Middleware in Golang for JWT based Authentication
Writeup on how to implement JWT based auth in a Golang backend
Webpack and Babel — What are they, and how to use them with
A guide to manually configuring Webpack and Babel for your next React
Getting Avengers Endgame tickets with Python
Why do it manually when a script can do it for you?
Life Reflections
What are we, if couldn’t be infinite in our own minds?
What I experienced at Google Summer of Code
Writeup on the experience I had as a GSoC student, working with the
organisation Zulip.